What speaks to you? What inspires you? What brings you back to your peaceful center or sets a fire within you to achieve more? What impulses you to become the best you, or simply be happy with the you that you have become?

What is it? Can you recognize it? Can you find it?

And how often do you drop everything else and hold strong to that something? How often do you let go of everything else for a moment, just to feel? How often do you dare to let yourself just be?

Looking at these images, taken by Izabella, of this single soul standing alone, that in that open Utah field, just before the end of winter and the start of spring. Just when the world seems confused as it bounces back and forth from season to season, and seeing the winter branches, barren, combined with the upcoming spring blooms, full of life, I feel it. I feel the call of that distant fog, or the freedom of standing in the silence. I feel the need to let the fog roll in and surround me. And I feel the peaceful nothingness of just being. 

And then, I want to touch every bit of sweet pea, twig, dry peony, tulip magnolia, blooming grevellia goodness in this bouquet. And savor the fact that there are blackberries in this bouquet. That's what I want.

Now, go find your thing. Feel your center. And never stop allowing yourself to just simply be.

The Potted Pansy Textural Bouquet Utah
The Potted Pansy Textural Bouquet
The Potted Pansy Textural Bouquet

Photography @izab3lle
Clothing FreePeople
Ribbon honeysilksco